The cup massage procedure is a simple treatment that gives impressive results. A cup massage helps release the rigid soft tissue through negative pressure and suction, it also helps drain off excess toxins and fluids your body may be retaining, it can help to loosen adhesions and lift the connective tissues. This helps increase the blood flow to the skin and muscles that may have problems with partial atrophy.
The cup massage is an ancient technique that has been passed down through the ages from generation to generation. It is a modified version of the more commonly known practice of cupping therapy, which is used in traditional Chinese medicine mainly.
The cup massage procedure is a simple treatment that gives impressive results. A cup massage helps release the rigid soft tissue through negative pressure and suction, it also helps drain off excess toxins and fluids your body may be retaining, it can help to loosen adhesions and lift the connective tissues. This helps increase the blood flow to the skin and muscles that may have problems with partial atrophy.
The cup massage is a wonderful asset to spa's, private practices or healing facilities. The cups used in the massage are inexpensive and getting this kind of therapy is relaxing, fun and it shows results.
When the cup massage was first used, practitioners used hollowed out animal horns in older times and were used for treating snakebites by draining off the toxins and to treat skin lesions. Later, Bamboo horns replaced the hollowed out animal horns and then glass replaced the bamboo horns.
In the 18th, 19th, and the early 20th centuries the cup massage was a common occurrence in most households. Many people from that era remember a cup massage being used on their backs to treat coughs, congestion and colds. Even some American doctors used Cup Massage for treatments in the late 18th century too.
During a cup massage glass cups are used and held by suction to massage your body, giving you a deep relaxation state and a feeling of ease. Using cup massage has also been known to improve your posture.
The most common area for cup massage is usually the broad of your back. Larger cups make a strong vacuum that copies rolling action of getting a deep tissue massage and you experience almost no discomfort during this. Your skin will likely turn red, this shows that circulation is being brought to the skins surface. A cup massage can be included in almost all massage or bodywork sessions at most spa's.
A cup massage session lasts about 10-20 minutes and generates a warm feeling on your body. You should let the massage therapist know if you start to experience any discomfort or pain during this procedure and the session should be stopped.
Benefits of cup massage are: loosening tight muscles, relaxing the entire body, help diminish chronic pains, lowers blood pressure, enhances skin tone, provides you with a peaceful and restful sleep, improves your concentration, Strengthens your immune system, increases your range of motion and flexibility and relieves tired, aching muscles. It can also be effective in treating the unsightly problems of cellulite. Having problems with a stiff neck? The cup massage soothes away neck tension by using a deep, slow approach with the use of smaller cups.
Did you know cup massage is included in ancient history texts? The ancient Egyptians produced a text regarding ancient medicine and it discussed the use of cupping to treat conditions like menstruation imbalances, vertigo, pain, fevers and weak appetites. The Egyptians then introduced the cupping method to the Greeks, which eventually spread to many different ancient cultures and countries of Europe and the Americas.